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Your Search Results (990)

  • Lessons (888)
  • Professional Development (102)

Latin American Immigration in Editorial Cartoons

Media literacy and critical thinking lesson analyzing messages about U.S. immigration in editorial cartoons from 5 Latin American countries.

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High School, College

30-60 Minutes, Over 60 Minutes

Editorial Cartoon
Subject Areas
Visual Arts, Journalism, US History And Government, US History, Civics And Government, Global Studies, Sociology

Lemmings: Documentary Film Clip Decoding

Media literacy and critical thinking lesson reflecting on the influence of the media on people's beliefs about science and teaching ways to check the validity of questionable claims.

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Middle School, High School, College

15-30 Minutes

Documentary Film
Subject Areas
Film/Video Arts, Life Sciences, Sociology, General Media Literacy, Library/Information Literacy, ELA/English Language Arts

Let Us Tell You About the Animals Where We Live

Media literacy and critical thinking lesson analyzing various media documents focused on messages about human impacts on animals and creating a simple video production based on impacts to animals where you live and action ideas to protect them.

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Lower Elementary

Over 60 Minutes

Illustration, Webpage, Web Video
Subject Areas
Student Media Production, Visual Arts, Film/Video Arts, Commercial Arts/Advertising, Consumer Education, Life Sciences, Environmental Studies, ELA/English Language Arts

Let Us Tell You About the Bodies of Water Where We Live

Media literacy and critical thinking lesson analyzing book covers for messages about water-centered disasters related to oil spills, drought and hurricanes and creating a simple video production based on impacts to your region's water bodies and action ideas to protect them.

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Lower Elementary

Over 60 Minutes

Web Video
Subject Areas
Health, Student Media Production, Visual Arts, Film/Video Arts, Commercial Arts/Advertising, Physical Sciences, Environmental Studies, ELA/English Language Arts

Life on the Inside

Media literacy and critical thinking lesson using excerpts from four songs to reflect on messages about prison life and survival within prison.

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Middle School, High School, College

30-60 Minutes

Subject Areas
Music, US History And Government, US History, Civics And Government, Sociology

Liquids in Spiderman vs. Hydroman

This is a media literacy and critical thinking activity in which students analyze two short excerpts from an educational video on the changing states of water and a Spiderman vs. Hydroman cartoon for representations of the liquid state of water.

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Lower Elementary

15-30 Minutes

Animated Film, Web Video, Web Video, Animated Film
Subject Areas
Physical Sciences, General Media Literacy, Library/Information Literacy

Living Wage

Media literacy and critical thinking lesson comparing two opinion pieces about Living Wage laws.

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Middle School, High School, College

30-60 Minutes

Editorial Opinion, Informational Text
Subject Areas
Journalism, US History And Government, US History, Civics And Government, Economics, Sociology, ELA/English Language Arts

Louis XIV & Absolute Monarchy: Media Messages from the Time

Students analyze media documents from the era of Louis XIV - an oil painting, a royal medal, an excerpt from John Locke’s “Treatise on Government” and an excerpt from a French travel memoir - for messages about absolute monarchy, media forms and historical context.

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High School, College

30-60 Minutes

Illustration, Informational Text, Literature
Subject Areas
Visual Arts, Global Studies, Sociology, Library/Information Literacy, ELA/English Language Arts

Making Friends with the Enemy

Media literacy and critical thinking lesson using four short song excerpts to reflect on the impact of war on the Nicaraguan people.

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Middle School, High School, College

30-60 Minutes

Subject Areas
Psychology, Music, US History And Government, US History, Civics And Government, Sociology

Making Human Junk : Child Labor Poster

Students analyze a 1915 poster for messages about child labor and about the early use of photography in poster design. This simple decoding activity has been taken from a larger lesson with many slides titled “Which Side Are You On?” To access this lesson, type the title with quotes into the PLS keyword search bar.

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High School, College

Under 15 Minutes

Photograph, Poster
Subject Areas
US History

Mapping Ancient Civilizations: Who’s Included and Who’s Not?

In this media literacy activity students analyze the bias and techniques used in maps of ancient civilizations.

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Upper Elementary, Middle School, High School, College

30-60 Minutes

Subject Areas
Global Studies, Sociology, General Media Literacy, Library/Information Literacy

Mapping the Border: Who Decides?

This is a media literacy and critical thinking activity in which students analyze different maps of the U.S. Mexico border region for messages about how mapmakers use images and words to convey messages.

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Middle School, High School, College

30-60 Minutes

Illustration, Map
Subject Areas
Visual Arts, Commercial Arts/Advertising, US History And Government, US History, Civics And Government, Global Studies, Sociology, General Media Literacy, Library/Information Literacy

Marketing OxyContin: Profits, Lives and Disinformation

Media documents are excerpts from a company memo from Purdue Pharma, an investigative reporting video, an online article and two government reports related to the marketing of OxyContin. Students analyze messages about the role of industry in fueling the opioid epidemic and the credibility of the media documents.

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High School, College

30-60 Minutes

Informational Text, News - Print, News - Video, Web Video
Subject Areas
Health, Commercial Arts/Advertising, Journalism, Consumer Education, US History And Government, US History, Civics And Government, Economics, Sociology, General Media Literacy, Library/Information Literacy

Mass Shootings: Tracking the Numbers

This is a media literacy and critical thinking activity in which students decode a blog post, a fact checking website and an article in a national magazine for messages about sourcing and credibility.

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High School, College

30-60 Minutes

Chart/graph, Editorial Opinion, Informational Text, Webpage
Subject Areas
Health, Math, Journalism, US History And Government, US History, Civics And Government, Sociology, General Media Literacy, Library/Information Literacy

Math, Media, and Me

Students analyze web videos and feature film clips for messages about how mathematicians solve complex problems, our own reactions to math, and media portrayals of math problem solving.

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Middle School, High School

15-30 Minutes

Feature Film, Web Video
Subject Areas
Math, Psychology, Film/Video Arts, Library/Information Literacy

May 14 1948: Independence or Catastrophe?

Media literacy and critical thinking lesson analyzing two conflicting accounts of the meaning of the founding of the state of Israel.

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High School, College

30-60 Minutes

Informational Text
Subject Areas
Global Studies, ELA/English Language Arts

Meat or Veggies? The Impact of Diet on Climate

In this media literacy activity students analyze a documentary film and a television news report for messages about how plant-based and meat-based diets impact climate change.

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High School, College

15-30 Minutes

Documentary Film, Television Program
Subject Areas
Health, Journalism, Nutrition, Consumer Education, Environmental Studies, Economics, Sociology

Media Bias Charts: Who’s Rating What?

In this media literacy activity students analyze 4 charts on the political bias of different news sources with background information on the authors and methodology for each chart, to reflect on credibility, political bias in the media, the student’s own confirmation biases, and extremist views on the Internet.

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High School, College

30-60 Minutes

Chart/graph, Informational Text
Subject Areas
Journalism, Consumer Education, Sociology, General Media Literacy, Library/Information Literacy

Media Constructions of the Signing of the Declaration of Independence

Students analyze diverse media forms related to John Trumbull’s famous painting of the signing of the Declaration of Independence for messages about the event, the credibility and qualities of different media forms, and about American history.

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Middle School, High School

30-60 Minutes

Subject Areas
Commercial Arts/Advertising, US History And Government, US History, Civics And Government, Sociology, Library/Information Literacy, ELA/English Language Arts

Media Coverage of the Gulf War

Media literacy and critical thinking lesson analyzing bias in documentary video and teaching about the U.S. government's role in influencing media coverage of the Gulf War.

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High School, College

30-60 Minutes

Documentary Film
Subject Areas
Film/Video Arts, Journalism, US History And Government, US History, Civics And Government, Global Studies, Sociology