Kit Documents
Media Constructions of Social Justice
High School through College - this kit explores how people in the United States have perceived social justice movements over the past 180 years and how the U.S. media have constructed that public perception. The subject areas covered include U.S. history, African-American studies, criminal justice studies, immigrant studies, labor studies, Latino studies, LGBT studies, media studies, peace studies, sociology, and women's studies, among many others.
All materials are free and classroom-ready, including: overviews, teacher guides, handouts, assessments, and all digital media.
- To purchase a flash drive with all print material and digital files, please contact 607-274-3471.
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Arguing For Freedom
Carry Me to Freedom
Abolitionists on Film
Hear Our Voices
Suffragists on Film
We Will Be Heard
Which Side Are You On?
Unions and Race
Workers Unite!
Challenging White Supremacy
Youth Activism
Black Identity
Claiming Feminist Identities
Identity and Satire
Naming Oppression
The Law of Immigration
What Immigrants Want
Immigrant Realities
Out and Affirmed
Gay Affirmative or Gay Negative
Challenging Homophobia
Prisons- Justice or Injustice
Doing Family Time
Life on the Inside
Merging Social Justice with Environmentalism
Case Study: From Witness to Action
Environmental Injustice At Work