Kit Documents
Media Constructions of Peace
High School through College - this kit explores how the people in the United States have perceived antiwar movements over the past 170 years and how the U.S. media has constructed that public perception. Each unit includes three lessons, each one devoted to a different media form including visual images, film clips and song excerpts. The subject areas covered include U.S. history, African-American studies, labor studies, Latino studies, media studies, Native American studies, peace studies, sociology and women's studies among many others.
All materials are free and classroom-ready, including: overviews, teacher guides, handouts, assessments, and all digital media.
- To purchase a flash drive with all print material and digital files, please contact 607-274-3471.
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Working for Peace, Working for Justice
To Inspire- To Breathe Into
Why to War? How to Peace?
Questioning Manifest Destiny
Who's A Hero?
War and Glory
Peace or Liberty?
Portraits of War
War on Whom?
For Peace or Against Oppression?
To Kill or Not To Kill
Hiroshima/Nagasaki Legacy
Small Groups of Committed People
In Case of Nuclear War
Nuclear Blues
Peace is the Way
Which Way to Peace?
Why Oppose War?
Friend or Foe?
Together in a Time of War
Making Friends with the Enemy
Dissent or Treason
After War Begins
What's the Problem? How Do We Fix It?