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Media Constructions of Presidential Campaigns

High School through College - this kit helps to teach about the role of media in 28 U.S. elections ranging from 1800-2008. Over 160 media documents are included for decoding, including slides of posters, handbills and political cartoons; audio clips of songs and radio programs; and video clips of speeches, debates, comedy TV and political commercials. Students will learn how to analyze historical documents, the history of presidential campaigns, the crafting and marketing of campaign messages, and the impact of new technologies and new media on presidential campaigns.
All materials are free and classroom-ready, including: overviews, teacher guides, handouts, assessments, and all digital media.
  • To download all materials, use the Action navigation button below. To download particular lessons only, navigate to and select the particular lesson to display the individual elements.
  • To purchase a flash drive with all print material and digital files, please contact 607-274-3471.
Be sure to read the kit introductory material located in the top left column.
1828 Jackson on His Way to Washington

1828 "The Hunters of Kentucky" Song

1828 Coffin Handbill

1828 "Little Wat Ye Wha's A-Comin" Song

1832 Aristocrat/Workingman Cartoon

1832 King Andrew Handbill

1840 Quote from Baltimore Republican

1840 The Log Cabin Newspaper Banner

1840 Whig Party Parade

1840 Tippecanoe and Tyler Too Song

1840 Democratic-Republican Party Newspaper Ad

1840 "Rock-A-Bye Baby Daddy's a Whig" Song

1860 Lincoln Douglas Debates Image

1860 Lincoln Douglas Debate Headline

1860 Lincoln/Hamlin Campaign Poster

1860 Douglas "Taking the Stump" Cartoon

1864 Gettysburg Address

1864 Four Newspaper Reports on the Gettysburg Address

1864 "Lincoln-Ruin/McClelland- Peace" Poster

1868 Harper's Weekly Cover, "The First Vote"

1868 "White Man's Government" Nast Cartoon

1868 Democratic Parade Image

1868 Grant "Let Us Have Peace" Emblem

1872 "Greeley and Tweed" Nast Cartoon

1872 Grant "The Working-Man's Banner"

1896 Bryan "Cross of Gold" Poster

1896 McKinley Front Porch Visitors Photograph

1896 McKinley "The Real Issue" Poster

1900 Bryan "The Issue-1900" Poster

1900 McKinley/Roosevelt "Promises" Poster

1900 McKinley and Millionaire Advisor Cartoon

1904 Parker "Jeffersonian Principles" Poster

1904 Debs "Socialist Party" Poster

1904 Photo of Roosevelt Stumping and "Teddy's Teeth" Ad

1904 Teddy Roosevelt "New Diplomacy" Cartoon

1908 "Taft-evelt" Poster and Photo of Taft & Roosevelt

1908 Commoner vs Plutocrat Postcard

1908 Taft Haying Photograph

1932 "Happy Days Are Here Again" Song

1932 "The Girl I Love is a Democrat" Sheet Music

1932 "Don't Change Now" Poster

1936 "Fireside Chat" Radio Clip

1936 "Makers of History" Cartoon

1936 "An Attack on the New Deal" Cartoon

1940 FDR Poster and Willkie Sticker

1940 Willkie-Roosevelt Button Collage

1944 "Our Friend" Poster

1944 FDR "Fala Speech"

1952 Nixon Checkers Speech

1952 Nixon Postcard

1952 "Eisenhower Answers America" TV Commercial

1952 "Vote Stevenson" TV Commercial

1952 Stevenson Photo and Buttons from '56

1956 Republican Comic Book

1956 Democratic Convention Program Cover

1960 Nixon-Kennedy Debate

1960 Kennedy's Address to Ministerial Conference

1960 Race Against Communism Broadside

1964 Goldwater "We Will Bury You" TV Commercial

1964 Johnson "Daisy Girl" TV Commercial

1964 Campaign Button Collage

1964 Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party Testimony

1968 LBJ and Vietnam Poster

1968 Robert Kennedy with Cesar Chavez Article

1968 "Nixon's the One" Poster

1968 Humphrey "Some Talk Change" Poster

1968 Humphrey "Man on the Street" Commercial

1968 Nixon "Law and Order" Commercial

1968 Wallace "Law and Order" Commercial

1972 "Together with McGovern" Poster

1972 McGovern & Nixon Commercials

1972 Photo of Campaign Workers with Brochures

1972 "Landslide" Cartoon

1984 Time Covers Reagan "Man of the Year"

1984 Reagan "Morning in America" TV Commercial

1984 Mondale "Trade Deficit" Commercial

1984 Time Ferraro Interview

1984 Reagan a Bear in the Woods Commercial

1988 Newsweek Cover, Jesse Jackson, and Poll Results

1988 Bush Revolving Door Commercial

1988 Dukakis Packaging Commercial

1988 Dukakis Tank Ride Photo & Bush Dukakis Tank Ride Commercial

1992 Clinton Journey Commercial

1992 Bush What am I Fighting For Commercial

1992 Bush & Clinton's Arkansas Commercials

1992 Time Cover, Clinton

1992 Campaigns & Elections Magazine Cover

2000 Music Performances at Conventions

2000 Biographical Films

2000 Election Campaign Commercials

2000 Newsmagazine Photos and Articles

2000 Gore-Bush 1st Debate

2000 Saturday Night Live Debate Skit

2000 Gore and Bush Intro to Saturday Night Live

2000 Newsweek Cover, "The Winner Is..."

2000 Convention Entrances

2000 Election Campaign Websites

2000 Comic Strips

2000 Where is the Salsa? Article

2000 Newsweek Sidebar "Faith is Busting Out All Over"

2000 News Photo of Handmade Signs

2004 Spin/Counter-Spin: Speeches, Articles, Ads & Websites

2004 Howard Dean Iowa Speech

2004 "Child's Pay" Commercial

2004 Swift Boat Veterans for Truth Commercial

2004 Photo Ops and Counter Ops

2004 Doonesbury & Boondocks Comic Strips

2004 Targeting Latinos Commercials

2004 Election Campaign Websites

2008 Biographical Films

2008 Economy Ads

2008 Fear in TV Commercials

2008 Hillary Clinton & Sarah Palin in Cartoons & Posters

2008 Historical Election Magazine Covers

2008 Targeting Youth with New Media

2008 Is Obama a Muslim? Sources & Credibility

2008 Political Satire or Libel?

NOTE:  Activities are available related to the 2016 Presidential Campaign & The Trump Presidency by selecting the link below.

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