Ed-2-Ed Professional Development
Equipping future educators with the tools and strategies to engage ALL students in the habits of inquiry and analysis that will prepare them to be critical thinkers and empowered citizens in a media-saturated world.
Our free lessons are designed with pre-service teachers in mind - to deliver inquiry-based media decoding activities at all grade levels and for diverse subject areas.
Our Ed2Ed PD supports Teacher Education faculty to integrate constructivist media decoding into their curriculum.
The initiative concludes with a final coaching session and plan for the ongoing integration of media literacy into the curriculum, including materials, resources and support.
This extensive and deeply engaging professional development program is offered at $950 for two semesters.
Semester 1:
Semester 2:
“Chris Sperry is a very knowledgeable, insightful, creative, personable, and effective educator for and about critical media literacy.”
- Jeff Claus, retired professor of Teacher Education, Ithaca College