Your Search Results (232)
Global Perspectives Through Movie Posters
Students analyze pairs of movie posters advertising the same film for different national audiences for messages about cultural perspectives and design choices.
15-30 Minutes
Chris Sperry, Prescription for an Infodemic, a pedagogical response in an era of fake news, In Victor Strasberger (Ed.), kids and today’s Media: A careful analysis and scrutiny of the problems, volume 2, New York: Rowman and Littlefield, 2021.
In this chapter from the 2021 book, Kids and Today’s Media, Chris Sperry lays out Project Look Sharp’s approach to disinformation. After a look at the historical context of our country’s “epistemological crisis” and the role of confirmation bias, Chris makes the case for media literacy and specifically Constructivist Media.
Constructivist Media Decoding
Media Literacy Lesson Design
Critical Thinking And The News
Assessing Credibility & Bias
Social Studies
English Language Arts
Pre-service Teacher Education
The Immigration Debate: Trump vs Harris
Students analyze political ads from the 2024 presidential campaign for messages about immigration, media construction, and our own interpretations.
15-30 Minutes
Harris vs Trump: Whose Language, Whose Issues?
Students analyze webpage issue lists to identify which are from the Harris and which are from the Trump campaigns, reflecting on language choices, target audience, and their own biases.
15-30 Minutes
Video Games & Climate: Analyzing Constructions of the Future
Students analyze video game trailers for messages about climate change and possible futures, about storytelling and marketing techniques and about whether video games can impact social change.
30-60 Minutes
Climate Change Through Time Magazine Covers
Students analyze Time magazine covers from 1970-2022 for messages about how climate change has been represented in a mainstream magazine and the choices magazine designers make in selling their products.
15-30 Minutes
Christmas Love - SEL and Media Literacy
This lesson can teach to SEL objectives by having students identify emotions through facial expressions and/or media literacy objectives by having students analyze the messages and techniques used in a commercial.
15-30 Minutes
Christmas Love - Advertising, Emotions, and Literary Elements
Students analyze a short video commercial about “Christmas Love” for its purpose, the elements and techniques of storytelling, and to reflect on the role of emotion and identity in interpretation of media messages.
15-30 Minutes
Wellness Claims and Social Media
Students analyze social media posts with health/wellness claims and evaluate their credibility.
30-60 Minutes
The History of Cigarette Commercials: Issues of Persuasion and Regulation
Students analyze 3 TV commercials and a PSA for cigarettes from the 1950s-1960s to assess marketing techniques, health messages and gender stereotypes, and then read about and discuss the 1970 congressional ban on cigarette advertising on television.
30-60 Minutes
Deepfakes: What Do We Believe? What Do We Share?
Students evaluate Internet images and videos as fake or true and reflect on how confirmation bias impacts our judgments.
30-60 Minutes
Fyre Festival: Gender, Wealth and Happiness in Social Media
Students analyze a short video ad and social media posts for messages about gender, wealth and success; to assess the credibility of media messages; and to reflect on the role media play in shaping our views.
15-30 Minutes
UN Sustainable Development Goals and Graphics
Students analyze icons for messages about graphic design and the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
30-60 Minutes
Claiming Feminist Identities
Media literacy and critical thinking lesson using diverse media imagery to teach about the history of the late 20th century women's liberation movement in the U.S.
This lesson is part of a "kit" or collection of media decoding lessons on a particular topic. You can explore that kit using the link below:
Unit: Women's LiberationKit: Media Constructions of Social Justice
30-60 Minutes, Over 60 Minutes
Out and Affirmed
Media literacy and critical thinking lesson using diverse media imagery to teach about the history of the gay liberation movement in the U.S.
This lesson is part of a "kit" or collection of media decoding lessons on a particular topic. You can explore that kit using the link below:
Unit: Gay LiberationKit: Media Constructions of Social Justice
30-60 Minutes
A History of Global Warming in Science, Politics, and the Media
Media literacy and critical thinking unit using diverse media imagery to teach about how global warming has been perceived by people in the U.S. and how the media has constructed that public perception.
This lesson is part of a "kit" or collection of media decoding lessons on a particular topic. You can explore that kit using the link below:
Playlist: Climate Change
30-60 Minutes, Over 60 Minutes
History of Chemicals in the Environment
Media literacy and critical thinking unit using diverse media imagery to teach about how chemicals in the environment have been perceived by people in the U.S. and how the media has constructed that public perception. Focus topics include pesticides, fertilizer, gasoline additives and persistent organic pollutants.
This lesson is part of a "kit" or collection of media decoding lessons on a particular topic. You can explore that kit using the link below:
Kit: Media Constructions of the Environment: Chemicals in the Environment
30-60 Minutes, Over 60 Minutes
History of Endangered Species
Media literacy and critical thinking unit using diverse media imagery to teach about how endangered species have been perceived by people in the U.S. and how the media has constructed that public perception. Focus topics include indigenous perspectives, whaling, habitat destruction and the Endangered Species Act.
This lesson is part of a "kit" or collection of media decoding lessons on a particular topic. You can explore that kit using the link below:
Kit: Media Constructions of the Environment: Endangered Species
30-60 Minutes, Over 60 Minutes
Poverty: Climate Change & Water Security
Media literacy and critical thinking activity in which students decode web pages for messages about the conditions that make people living in poverty extremely vulnerable to the impacts of climate change.
This lesson is part of a "kit" or collection of media decoding lessons on a particular topic. You can explore that kit using the link below:
Playlist: Economics & Social JusticeUnit: Climate Change & Water
Kit: Media Constructions of Sustainability: Middle School
15-30 Minutes
Wash Your Hands – What’s the Right Way?
In this media literacy activity students analyze a comic, a graphic, a music video and a public service announcement for messages about the best way to wash your hands to protect yourself from getting sick.
15-30 Minutes