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Your Search Results (32)

  • Lessons (25)
  • Professional Development (7)

Graphing the Vote: Age, Gender, and Time

Students will tell the stories behind political graphs by: analyzing graphs about generational voting, asking questions about the sourcing and target audience, and reflecting on patterns in youth voting. This lesson has the potential to promote polarization. See the advice in the lesson plan.

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Middle School, High School

30-60 Minutes

Chart/graph, Webpage
Subject Areas
Math, US History, Civics And Government, Sociology

How Big is the Crowd? Proportional Reasoning and Critical Thinking

Students use mathematical reasoning to evaluate claims about crowd size for President Trump’s 2016 inauguration, and reflect on confirmation bias when assessing truth claims in the media.

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High School, College

30-60 Minutes

News - Print, News - Video, Photograph, Web Video
Subject Areas
Math, Journalism, US History And Government, US History, Civics And Government, Sociology, General Media Literacy, Library/Information Literacy

Good Data - Bad Feelings: Graphing Economics, Public Opinion and Media Coverage

Students analyze graphs and media analysis for messages about the relationship between media reporting on the economy and public opinion.

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High School, College

Over 60 Minutes

Chart/graph, Informational Text
Subject Areas
Math, Psychology, Journalism, Civics And Government, Economics, Sociology, Library/Information Literacy

Flags: Geometry, Algebra and Cultural Context

This math and/or social studies lesson has students analyze flags from around the world, to understand aspect ratio, flag design and historical context.

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Middle School, High School, College

30-60 Minutes

Subject Areas
Math, Civics And Government, Global Studies

Charting Media Coverage of War: Israel/Palestine

Students analyze charts with text excerpts from articles for messages about bias in media coverage of the Israel Hamas war, to analyze the bias in the construction of the charts, and to reflect on their own interpretations.

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High School, College

30-60 Minutes

Chart/graph, Informational Text, News - Print
Subject Areas
Math, Journalism, Civics And Government, Global Studies, Sociology, Library/Information Literacy

Starter Kit for College

This guide gives users a brief overview of our approach (question-based media decoding) and materials (e.g., lessons) available for free from the Project Look Sharp website for a particular level and subject.



Subject Areas
Media Literacy And Critical Thinking Integration
Constructivist Media Decoding
Media Literacy Lesson Design
Document Selection
Question Design

Social Studies
English Language Arts
Science And Environment
Media Production
Pre-service Teacher Education

Starter Kit for Math 6-12

This guide gives users a brief overview of our approach (question-based media decoding) and materials (e.g., lessons) available for free from the Project Look Sharp website for a particular level and subject.


Middle School, High School

Subject Areas
Media Literacy And Critical Thinking Integration
Constructivist Media Decoding
Media Literacy Lesson Design
Document Selection
Question Design


Starter Kit for Elementary All Subjects 3-5

This guide gives users a brief overview of our approach (question-based media decoding) and materials (e.g., lessons) available for free from the Project Look Sharp website for a particular level and subject.


Upper Elementary

Subject Areas
Media Literacy And Critical Thinking Integration
Constructivist Media Decoding
Media Literacy Lesson Design
Document Selection
Question Design

Social Studies
English Language Arts
Science And Environment
Media Production

Starter Kit for All Subjects K-2

This guide gives users a brief overview of our approach (question-based media decoding) and materials (e.g., lessons) available for free from the Project Look Sharp website for a particular level and subject.


Lower Elementary

Subject Areas
Media Literacy And Critical Thinking Integration
Constructivist Media Decoding
Document Selection
Question Design

Social Studies
English Language Arts
Science And Environment
Media Production

Math, Media, and Me

Students analyze web videos and feature film clips for messages about how mathematicians solve complex problems, our own reactions to math, and media portrayals of math problem solving.

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Middle School, High School

15-30 Minutes

Feature Film, Web Video
Subject Areas
Math, Psychology, Film/Video Arts, Library/Information Literacy

Demonstration Video: Interpreting Charts of Media Use: Gen Z vs. Boomers

Middle School teacher, Mary Kate Longeran, leads her students through a decoding of charts using the Project Look Sharp lesson “Changing Our Media Habits: The Impact of the Pandemic” – to teach students to analyze and question charts and explore differences in generational media use. (Total Time: 5:15) Published 2023


Middle School, High School

Subject Areas
Media Literacy And Critical Thinking Integration
Constructivist Media Decoding
Youth Culture And New Technologies
Critical Thinking And The News
Assessing Credibility & Bias
Reflecting Diversity
Question Design

Social Studies
English Language Arts
Pre-service Teacher Education

Mr. Rogers: What Do We Do When Our Feelings Are Hurt?

In this media literacy activity students analyze clips from a documentary film and a feature film about Mr. Rogers for messages about storytelling in film and about how to deal with difficult feelings.

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Lower Elementary, Upper Elementary

15-30 Minutes

Documentary Film, Feature Film, Television Program
Subject Areas
Health, Psychology, ELA/English Language Arts

How Do We Identify Good Sustainability Stories? (Upper Elementary)

Media literacy and critical thinking lesson analyzing videos to discern messages about how videos can tell stories to inform and engage the public about sustainability issues and initiatives.

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Upper Elementary

Over 60 Minutes

Subject Areas
Student Media Production, Environmental Studies, ELA/English Language Arts

Zero: Who Invented It and How Do We Know?

Students analyze short videos for messages about zero, when and where it was invented, the credibility and point of view of information, and about the influence of culture on history.

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Middle School, High School, College

15-30 Minutes

Animated Film, Web Video, Television Program
Subject Areas
Math, Global Studies, Library/Information Literacy, ELA/English Language Arts

COVID-19 & Climate Change: Graphing the Connection

In this media literacy activity students analyze online graphs and text for messages about the connections between the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change.

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High School, College

30-60 Minutes

Blog Post, Chart/graph, Informational Text, News - Print, Webpage
Subject Areas
Health, Math, Journalism, Environmental Studies, Global Studies, Economics, Sociology

Changing Our Media Habits: The Impact of the Pandemic

In this media literacy activity students analyze charts, graphs and illustrations for messages about media consumption changes as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Middle School, High School, College

30-60 Minutes

Chart/graph, Illustration
Subject Areas
Math, Psychology, Journalism, Consumer Education, US History And Government, US History, Civics And Government, Sociology, General Media Literacy, Library/Information Literacy

Comparing Renewables: U.S. vs. Global Energy Use

Media literacy and critical thinking activity in which students decode graphs for messages about how the use of renewable energy sources can help to reduce human vulnerability to climate change.

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Middle School

30-60 Minutes

Subject Areas
Math, Physical Sciences, Environmental Studies, Global Studies, Economics, ELA/English Language Arts

Drought & Farming: Thirsty Crops

Media literacy and critical thinking activity in which students decode web pages and graphs for messages about how agricultural demands for irrigation impact freshwater resources during times of drought.

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Middle School

15-30 Minutes

Chart/graph, Informational Text, Webpage
Subject Areas
Math, Consumer Education, Physical Sciences, Environmental Studies, Economics, ELA/English Language Arts

Heroes for Animal Protection

Media literacy and critical thinking lesson analyzing a book and video about songbird steward Rachel Carson and composing a social message about being an animal steward.

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Lower Elementary

Over 60 Minutes

Illustration, Informational Text, Literature, Social Media, Web Video
Subject Areas
Health, Math, Student Media Production, Visual Arts, Film/Video Arts, Life Sciences, Environmental Studies, General Media Literacy, Library/Information Literacy, ELA/English Language Arts

Heroes for Plant Protection

Media literacy and critical thinking lesson analyzing a book and video about tree steward Wangari Maathai and composing a social message about being a plant steward.

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Lower Elementary

Over 60 Minutes

Documentary Film, Illustration, Informational Text, Literature, Social Media
Subject Areas
Math, Student Media Production, Visual Arts, Film/Video Arts, Life Sciences, Environmental Studies, General Media Literacy, Library/Information Literacy, ELA/English Language Arts