Media Constructions of Sustainability: Upper Elementary
Upper Elementary - this kit provides upper elementary teachers and community educators with the materials needed to engage students in a dynamic and constructivist process of analyzing the representation of sustainability in the media with a particular focus on issues related to food, natural resources, water and media production.
All materials are free and classroom-ready, including: overviews, teacher guides, handouts, assessments, and all digital media.
- To purchase a flash drive with all print material and digital files, please contact 607-274-3471.
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How Do We Decide What to Eat and Drink?
How Do We Decide How Much To Eat And Drink?
Where Does My Food Come From?
Who's Selling Me This Food?
What About Hunger?
Deciding On Our Food Choices Assessment
Natural Resources - How Do we Use Them?
Dams and Rivers: To Build Or To Remove?
Oil Spills: What's the Problem?
Oil Spills What's the Problem? Lesson Plan
Oil Spills What's the Problem? Teacher Guide
Oil Spills What's the Problem? Student Worksheet
Oil Spills What's the Problem? PowerPoint
CFN Visits the Gulf Video Clip
Gulf Coast Economic Tourism Recovery Video Clip
"Somewhere Over the Rainbow" Spill Images Video Clip
Logging - What About Biodiversity?
Renewable Energy Sources - Who's Running the Numbers?
Consumer Choices About Natural Resource Use Assessment
Why Protect Our Water Resources?
Where Does Water Go?
How Much Water Did it Take to Grow That?
What About Bottled Water?
Protecting Our Water Resources Assessment
How Do We Identify Good Sustainability Stories? (Upper Elementary)
Making Videos about Sustainability Efforts