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Your Search Results (890)
Commercials, Part 1
Media literacy and critical thinking lesson introducing the concept of advertiser intent and tricks in the construction of TV commercials.
This lesson is part of a "kit" or collection of media decoding lessons on a particular topic. You can explore that kit using the link below:
Unit: Kindergarten LessonsKit: Critical Thinking & Health: Nutrition and TV Commercials
Lower Elementary
Pair, Whole Class
15-30 Minutes
Commercials, Part 2
Media literacy and critical thinking lesson introducing the concept of target audience and tricks in the construction of TV commercials.
This lesson is part of a "kit" or collection of media decoding lessons on a particular topic. You can explore that kit using the link below:
Unit: Kindergarten LessonsKit: Critical Thinking & Health: Nutrition and TV Commercials
Lower Elementary
Pair, Whole Class
30-60 Minutes
Community Responses to Climate Disaster Recovery
This is a media literacy and critical thinking activity in which students analyze an opinion piece and the executive summary of a governmental report for conflicting perspectives on effective climate disaster recovery efforts.
High School, College
Individual, Whole Class
30-60 Minutes
Comparing Renewables: U.S. vs. Global Energy Use
Media literacy and critical thinking activity in which students decode graphs for messages about how the use of renewable energy sources can help to reduce human vulnerability to climate change.
This lesson is part of a "kit" or collection of media decoding lessons on a particular topic. You can explore that kit using the link below:
Playlist: Global StudiesUnit: Energy Sources
Kit: Media Constructions of Sustainability: Middle School
Middle School
Individual, Whole Class
30-60 Minutes
Confirmation Bias, Coronavirus and the 2020 Presidential Campaign
In this media literacy activity students analyze the credibility of a controversial pro-Biden political ad attacking President Trump on his handling of the coronavirus pandemic, a tweet in response by Trump War Room, and an article from the fact-checking website Politifact about the controversy. Students then analyze their own confirmation bias as they reflect on how they evaluate the credibility of sources on political issues.
High School, College
Whole Class
15-30 Minutes
Confrontation in the Streets: What Do You know?
In this media literacy activity students analyze a viral video and a TV news program on the same event for messages about historical context and viral messages in social media.
High School, College
Whole Class
15-30 Minutes
Conspiracy Theories About COVID-19: Who’s Selling? Who’s Buying?
In this media literacy activity students analyze media documents that allege conspiracies related to the coronavirus. Students then analyze media messages for credibility and reflect on their own biases in interpreting conspiracy theories.
Middle School, High School, College
Individual, Group - Small (3-5 Members), Whole Class
30-60 Minutes
Constructing King
Media literacy and critical thinking lesson analyzing diverse media representations of Dr. King including conflicting video interpretations of Dr. King and Malcolm X.
This lesson is part of a "kit" or collection of media decoding lessons on a particular topic. You can explore that kit using the link below:
Kit: Media Constructions of Martin Luther King, Jr.Middle School, High School, College
Whole Class
Over 60 Minutes
Consumerism & Sustainability
Media literacy and critical thinking lesson asking students to consider their own consumer decisions relating to sustainability through a process of decoding TV commercials and videos about bottled water.
This lesson is part of a "kit" or collection of media decoding lessons on a particular topic. You can explore that kit using the link below:
Kit: Media Constructions of Sustainability: Food, Water, and AgricultureMiddle School, High School, College
Pair, Whole Class
Over 60 Minutes
Covering Black Lives Matter: Front Page Constructions
In this media literacy activity students analyze newspaper front pages for messages about media representation of nationwide protests following the murder of George Floyd.
Middle School, High School, College
Whole Class
15-30 Minutes
Covering the War
Media literacy and critical thinking lesson contrasting messages about key events in the Iraq War as presented on newspaper front pages.
This lesson is part of a "kit" or collection of media decoding lessons on a particular topic. You can explore that kit using the link below:
Unit: War in Iraq: Whose Voice, Whose Story?Kit: Media Constructions of the Middle East
High School, College
Whole Class
30-60 Minutes
Creative Visions of the Future
Media literacy and critical thinking lesson analyzing the imagined future of food, water and agriculture as viewed through the creative media of film, song, poetry and science fiction literature.
This lesson is part of a "kit" or collection of media decoding lessons on a particular topic. You can explore that kit using the link below:
Kit: Media Constructions of Sustainability: Food, Water, and AgricultureHigh School, College
Group - Small (3-5 Members), Whole Class
Over 60 Minutes
Creativity in Mentoring
Media literacy and critical thinking lesson analyzing four short excerpts from feature films about mentoring by elders.
This lesson is part of a "kit" or collection of media decoding lessons on a particular topic. You can explore that kit using the link below:
Kit: Creativity & Aging Through the Lens of FilmHigh School, College
Pair, Whole Class
30-60 Minutes
Creativity in Music
Media literacy and critical thinking lesson analyzing four short excerpts from films about aging and musical creativity.
This lesson is part of a "kit" or collection of media decoding lessons on a particular topic. You can explore that kit using the link below:
Kit: Creativity & Aging Through the Lens of FilmHigh School, College
Pair, Whole Class
30-60 Minutes
Creativity in Preserving Cultural Tradition
Media literacy and critical thinking lesson analyzing four short film excerpts about the roles of elders in preserving cultural traditions.
This lesson is part of a "kit" or collection of media decoding lessons on a particular topic. You can explore that kit using the link below:
Kit: Creativity & Aging Through the Lens of FilmHigh School, College
Pair, Whole Class
30-60 Minutes
Creativity in Relationships
Media literacy and critical thinking lesson analyzing four short film excerpts about creativity in relationships among elders.
This lesson is part of a "kit" or collection of media decoding lessons on a particular topic. You can explore that kit using the link below:
Kit: Creativity & Aging Through the Lens of FilmHigh School, College
Pair, Whole Class
30-60 Minutes
Creativity in Service
Media literacy and critical thinking lesson analyzing four short film excerpts about creativity in service among elders.
This lesson is part of a "kit" or collection of media decoding lessons on a particular topic. You can explore that kit using the link below:
Kit: Creativity & Aging Through the Lens of FilmHigh School, College
Pair, Whole Class
30-60 Minutes
Critical Race Theory – Whose History? Whose Story?
Students analyze clips from a variety of video sources for messages about the teaching of U.S. history, critical race theory and the power of media to persuade.
High School, College
Whole Class
15-30 Minutes
Cyberbullying: How It Hurts & How to Help
In this media literacy activity students analyze videos made for students for messages about the effects and remedies for cyber-bullying.
Upper Elementary
Whole Class
15-30 Minutes
Damming the Rivers
Media literacy and critical thinking lesson using four short film excerpts to reflect on river damming projects and on the use of water as a resource.
This lesson is part of a "kit" or collection of media decoding lessons on a particular topic. You can explore that kit using the link below:
Kit: Media Constructions of the Environment: Resource DepletionMiddle School, High School, College
Whole Class
30-60 Minutes