Your Search Results (892) sorted by newest
1972 Photo of Campaign Workers with Brochures
Media literacy and critical thinking activity analyzing a news photo from the 1972 McGovern and Nixon campaigns for messages about reaching voters via street canvassing.
This lesson is part of a "kit" or collection of media decoding lessons on a particular topic. You can explore that kit using the link below:
Unit: 1968-1972 A Nation in CrisisKit: Media Constructions of Presidential Campaigns
Under 15 Minutes
1972 McGovern & Nixon Commercials
Media literacy and critical thinking activity analyzing commercials from the 1972 McGovern and Nixon campaigns for messages about the Vietnam War.
This lesson is part of a "kit" or collection of media decoding lessons on a particular topic. You can explore that kit using the link below:
Unit: 1968-1972 A Nation in CrisisKit: Media Constructions of Presidential Campaigns
15-30 Minutes
1968 Humphrey "Man on the Street" Commercial
Media literacy and critical thinking activity analyzing a commercial for the Humphrey campaign for messages about target audience.
This lesson is part of a "kit" or collection of media decoding lessons on a particular topic. You can explore that kit using the link below:
Unit: 1968-1972 A Nation in CrisisKit: Media Constructions of Presidential Campaigns
15-30 Minutes
1972 "Together with McGovern" Poster
Media literacy and critical thinking activity analyzing a post for the McGovern campaign for messages about diversity and target audience.
This lesson is part of a "kit" or collection of media decoding lessons on a particular topic. You can explore that kit using the link below:
Unit: 1968-1972 A Nation in CrisisKit: Media Constructions of Presidential Campaigns
Under 15 Minutes
1968 Wallace "Law and Order" Commercial
Media literacy and critical thinking activity analyzing a commercial for the George Wallace campaign for messages about race, fear and target audience.
This lesson is part of a "kit" or collection of media decoding lessons on a particular topic. You can explore that kit using the link below:
Unit: 1968-1972 A Nation in CrisisKit: Media Constructions of Presidential Campaigns
15-30 Minutes
1968 Nixon "Law and Order" Commercial
Media literacy and critical thinking activity analyzing a commercial for the Nixon campaign for messages about target audience and law and order
This lesson is part of a "kit" or collection of media decoding lessons on a particular topic. You can explore that kit using the link below:
Unit: 1968-1972 A Nation in CrisisKit: Media Constructions of Presidential Campaigns
15-30 Minutes
1968 Robert Kennedy with Cesar Chavez Article
Media literacy and critical thinking activity analyzing a newspaper article about Robert Kennedy's support for Cesar Chavez War for messages about labor, Mexican Americans and media bias.
This lesson is part of a "kit" or collection of media decoding lessons on a particular topic. You can explore that kit using the link below:
Unit: 1968-1972 A Nation in CrisisKit: Media Constructions of Presidential Campaigns
30-60 Minutes
1968 Humphrey "Some Talk Change" Poster
Media literacy and critical thinking activity analyzing a poster for the Humphrey campaign for messages about target audience.
This lesson is part of a "kit" or collection of media decoding lessons on a particular topic. You can explore that kit using the link below:
Unit: 1968-1972 A Nation in CrisisKit: Media Constructions of Presidential Campaigns
Under 15 Minutes
1968 "Nixon's the One" Poster
Media literacy and critical thinking activity analyzing a poster for the Nixon campaign for messages about target audience and youth.
This lesson is part of a "kit" or collection of media decoding lessons on a particular topic. You can explore that kit using the link below:
Unit: 1968-1972 A Nation in CrisisKit: Media Constructions of Presidential Campaigns
Under 15 Minutes
1968 LBJ and Vietnam Poster
Media literacy and critical thinking activity analyzing a poster about Lyndon B. Johnson's role in the Vietnam War for messages about presidential responsibility and artistic technique.
This lesson is part of a "kit" or collection of media decoding lessons on a particular topic. You can explore that kit using the link below:
Unit: 1968-1972 A Nation in CrisisKit: Media Constructions of Presidential Campaigns
Under 15 Minutes
1964 Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party Testimony
Media literacy and critical thinking activity analyzing a video of the televised testimony of Fannie Lou Hamer of the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party testimony for messages about racism and voter suppression.
This lesson is part of a "kit" or collection of media decoding lessons on a particular topic. You can explore that kit using the link below:
Unit: 1952-1964 The Advent of TelevisionKit: Media Constructions of Presidential Campaigns
30-60 Minutes
1964 Campaign Button Collage
Media literacy and critical thinking activity analyzing a collection of buttons from the 1964 Johnson and Goldwater campaigns for messages about attack and fear in Presidential campaigns.
This lesson is part of a "kit" or collection of media decoding lessons on a particular topic. You can explore that kit using the link below:
Unit: 1952-1964 The Advent of TelevisionKit: Media Constructions of Presidential Campaigns
15-30 Minutes
1964 Johnson "Daisy Girl" TV Commercial
Media literacy and critical thinking activity analyzing a TV commercial from the 1964 Johnson campaign for messages about nuclear war and foreign policy.
This lesson is part of a "kit" or collection of media decoding lessons on a particular topic. You can explore that kit using the link below:
Unit: 1952-1964 The Advent of TelevisionKit: Media Constructions of Presidential Campaigns
Under 15 Minutes
1964 Goldwater "We Will Bury You" TV Commercial
Media literacy and critical thinking activity analyzing a TV commercial from the 1964 Goldwater campaign for messages about communism and foreign policy.
This lesson is part of a "kit" or collection of media decoding lessons on a particular topic. You can explore that kit using the link below:
Unit: 1952-1964 The Advent of TelevisionKit: Media Constructions of Presidential Campaigns
Under 15 Minutes
1960 Race Against Communism Broadside
Media literacy and critical thinking activity analyzing a broadside from the 1960 Kennedy campaign for messages about communism and foreign policy.
This lesson is part of a "kit" or collection of media decoding lessons on a particular topic. You can explore that kit using the link below:
Unit: 1952-1964 The Advent of TelevisionKit: Media Constructions of Presidential Campaigns
Under 15 Minutes
1960 Kennedy's Address to Ministerial Conference
Media literacy and critical thinking activity analyzing a speech from the 1960 Kennedy campaign to a group of ministers for messages about his Catholicism and religious tolerance.
This lesson is part of a "kit" or collection of media decoding lessons on a particular topic. You can explore that kit using the link below:
Unit: 1952-1964 The Advent of TelevisionKit: Media Constructions of Presidential Campaigns
15-30 Minutes
1960 Nixon-Kennedy Debate
Media literacy and critical thinking lesson analyzing a video clip with and without sound from the 1960 debate between John Kennedy and Richard Nixon for messages about candidate image and televised debates.
This lesson is part of a "kit" or collection of media decoding lessons on a particular topic. You can explore that kit using the link below:
Unit: 1952-1964 The Advent of TelevisionKit: Media Constructions of Presidential Campaigns
30-60 Minutes
1952 Stevenson Photo and Buttons from '56
Media literacy and critical thinking activity analyzing a photograph and buttons from the 1952 Stevenson and Eisenhower campaigns for messages about candidate image.
This lesson is part of a "kit" or collection of media decoding lessons on a particular topic. You can explore that kit using the link below:
Unit: 1952-1964 The Advent of TelevisionKit: Media Constructions of Presidential Campaigns
Under 15 Minutes
1952 "Vote Stevenson" TV Commercial
Media literacy and critical thinking activity analyzing a television commercial from the 1952 Stevenson campaign for messages about candidate image.
This lesson is part of a "kit" or collection of media decoding lessons on a particular topic. You can explore that kit using the link below:
Unit: 1952-1964 The Advent of TelevisionKit: Media Constructions of Presidential Campaigns
Under 15 Minutes
1952 "Eisenhower Answers America" TV Commercial
Media literacy and critical thinking activity analyzing a television commercial from the 1952 Eisenhower campaign for messages about economics and candidate image.
This lesson is part of a "kit" or collection of media decoding lessons on a particular topic. You can explore that kit using the link below:
Unit: 1952-1964 The Advent of TelevisionKit: Media Constructions of Presidential Campaigns
Under 15 Minutes