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Your Search Results (990)

  • Lessons (888)
  • Professional Development (102)

The Death of Kobe Bryant: How Viral Media Spreads Misinformation

In this media literacy activity students analyze screen grabs from a YouTube page, a Facebook post, a network news video page and online headlines, photos and captions for messages about credibility of Internet news reporting.

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Middle School, High School, College

15-30 Minutes

News - Print, Photograph, Social Media, Webpage
Subject Areas
Journalism, Consumer Education, Sociology, General Media Literacy, Library/Information Literacy

The Early Feminists and Haudenosaunee Women: The Origins of Women’s Rights in the U.S.

Students analyze and ask questions about a 1914 political cartoon and a 2020 documentary film clip for messages about the impact of Haudenosaunee women on the early women’s rights movement in the United States.

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Middle School, High School, College

15-30 Minutes

Editorial Cartoon, Documentary Film, Documentary Film, Editorial Cartoon
Subject Areas
US History, Civics And Government, Sociology, Library/Information Literacy, ELA/English Language Arts

The End of the USSR

Media literacy and critical thinking lesson using posters to teach about the fall of the Soviet Union.

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High School, College

Subject Areas
Visual Arts, Global Studies

The Face of Cereal: Using Cartoon Characters to Persuade Children

This is a media literacy and critical thinking activity in which students decode cereal packages for messages about health and advertising.

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Lower Elementary

15-30 Minutes

Illustration, Print Advertisement
Subject Areas
Health, Commercial Arts/Advertising, General Media Literacy, Library/Information Literacy, ELA/English Language Arts

The Food Groups

Media literacy and critical thinking lesson using the food pyramid to introduce the concept of food groups.

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Lower Elementary

15-30 Minutes

Subject Areas
Health, Nutrition

The Great Patriotic War

Media literacy and critical thinking lesson using posters to teach about the Soviet Union during World War Two.

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High School, College

Subject Areas
Visual Arts, Global Studies

The Great Treaty Between Delaware Indian Chief Tammany and Quaker William Penn

Students analyze a wampum belt and a frieze for messages about the treaty between Chief Tammany and William Penn and about purpose and discerning media forms. This simple decoding activity has been taken from a larger lesson with many slides titled “Questioning Manifest Destiny”. To access this lesson, type the title with quotes into the PLS keyword search bar.

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Middle School, High School, College

Under 15 Minutes

Informational Text
Subject Areas
Visual Arts, Commercial Arts/Advertising, Journalism, US History, Civics And Government, Sociology

The Gulf War

Media literacy and critical thinking lesson using Newsweek magazine covers to teach the history of the Gulf War.

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High School, College

30-60 Minutes

Informational Text, News - Print, Photograph, Documentary Film
Subject Areas
Visual Arts, Film/Video Arts, Commercial Arts/Advertising, Journalism, US History And Government, US History, Civics And Government, Global Studies, Sociology

The History of Cigarette Commercials: Issues of Persuasion and Regulation

Students analyze 3 TV commercials and a PSA for cigarettes from the 1950s-1960s to assess marketing techniques, health messages and gender stereotypes, and then read about and discuss the 1970 congressional ban on cigarette advertising on television.

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High School, College

30-60 Minutes

Informational Text, Magazine, News - Print, Television Commercial, Television Program
Subject Areas
Health, Psychology, Commercial Arts/Advertising, Consumer Education, US History And Government, US History, Civics And Government, Sociology, General Media Literacy, ELA/English Language Arts

The Intolerable Acts

Media literacy and critical thinking lesson about political cartoons and the Intolerable Acts.

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Upper Elementary, Middle School

15-30 Minutes

Editorial Cartoon
Subject Areas
Visual Arts, Journalism, US History And Government, US History, Civics And Government

The Law of Immigration

Media literacy and critical thinking lesson using diverse media imagery to teach about the history of immigration reform debates in the U.S since the early 20th century.

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Middle School, High School, College

30-60 Minutes

Editorial Cartoon, Illustration, Informational Text, News - Print, Poster, Webpage
Subject Areas
Visual Arts, Commercial Arts/Advertising, Journalism, US History And Government, US History, Civics And Government, Global Studies, Economics, Sociology

The Magic of Stereotypes

Media literacy and critical thinking lesson analyzing stereotypes about Arabs by viewing an excerpt from the film, Aladdin.

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Middle School, High School, College

15-30 Minutes

Animated Film
Subject Areas
Psychology, Film/Video Arts, Global Studies, Sociology, General Media Literacy, Library/Information Literacy

The Montgomery Bus Boycott: Different Interpretations

Students analyze two comic book covers from 1957 & 2007 for messages about the role of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and others in the Montgomery bus boycott and about historical context. This simple decoding activity has been taken from a larger lesson with many slides titled “Challenging White Supremacy." To access this lesson, type the title with quotes into the PLS keyword search bar.

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High School, College

Under 15 Minutes

Editorial Cartoon, Literature
Subject Areas
US History

The Murders of Osage Indians: Media Forms, Qualities, and Credibility

Students will explore how different media forms represent the history of the Osage murders, the credibility of sources, and their own preferences.

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Middle School, High School, College

30-60 Minutes

Feature Film, Illustration, Informational Text, Literature, Magazine, News - Print, Photograph, Social Media, Television Program, Webpage, Web Video
Subject Areas
Film/Video Arts, Journalism, Civics And Government, Sociology, English Language Instruction, General Media Literacy, Library/Information Literacy, ELA/English Language Arts

The Physics of Star Wars: Can the Millennium Falcon Make Light Speed?

In this media literacy activity students analyze web videos exploring the science of Star Wars movies for messages about what it would take for humans to travel at the speed of light.

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High School, College

15-30 Minutes

Web Video, Television Program, Web Video
Subject Areas
Film/Video Arts, Physical Sciences

The Politics of Maps

Media literacy and critical thinking lesson exploring bias in the representation of the historical geography of Israel/Palestine through analysis of 12 maps from diverse sources.

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High School, College

30-60 Minutes

Subject Areas
Global Studies, Sociology

The Public Trust - Doctrine Government's Role in Protecting Natural Resources for the Future

This is a media literacy activity in which students analyze two video clips for different techniques in portraying messages about young people who are suing the government to demand that it protect future generations from the impacts of global climate change.

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Middle School, High School, College

30-60 Minutes

Documentary Film, Web Video
Subject Areas
Health, Physical Sciences, Environmental Studies, US History And Government, US History, Civics And Government, Sociology

The Rebels

Media literacy and critical thinking lesson about Loyalist perspectives during the American Revolution.

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Upper Elementary, Middle School

15-30 Minutes

Subject Areas
Music, US History And Government, US History, Civics And Government, ELA/English Language Arts

The Roots of Democracy in the United States: Iroquois or Athens?

In this media literacy activity students analyze two videos for messages about the roots of U.S. democracy with the Native American Iroquois confederacy and historic Athenian democracy as points of reference.

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Middle School, High School, College

15-30 Minutes

Animated Film, Documentary Film, Television Program
Subject Areas
US History And Government, US History, Civics And Government, Global Studies, Sociology

The Spanish Conquest of Mexico: Whose Story?

In this media literacy activity students analyze excerpts from two films for conflicting messages about the Spanish conquest of Mexico.

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High School, College

15-30 Minutes

Documentary Film, Television Program
Subject Areas
Film/Video Arts, Global Studies, Sociology