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Media Constructions of Presidential Campaigns

Related to kit: Media Constructions of Presidential Campaigns

The webinar offers high school educators and teachers-in-training pedagogical techniques and free curriculum materials to support a deeper understanding of how to use a wide variety of media forms across the historical spectrum - media from 19th century portraits, songs and handbills, to 21st century websites, twitter and email - to study historical context and to question their credibility.


Media Literacy And Critical Thinking Integration
Constructivist Media Decoding
Media Literacy Lesson Design
Youth Culture And New Technologies
Assessing Credibility & Bias
Do No Harm
Document Selection
Lesson Conception

Social Studies

High School

Briefing: Project Look Sharp's Decoding Media Constructions and Sustainability

Antonio Lopez, in his coda to Greening Media Education, summarizes the complex set of skills needed “to bring ecologically oriented cultural practice into the realm of media education (which) promotes systems thinking, collaborative learning, critical thinking, lifelong learning and digital media literacy.” This article offers cases studies of two Look Sharp lessons, one for elementary age students and another for upper level high school, each of which was designed with these skills in mind as a way to bring Lopez’s vision into practice in the classroom.



Science And Environment

Upper Elementary
High School

High School Science: The Great Global Warming Swindle

An example of leading a class through a constructivist media decoding using a lesson from our kit, Media Constructions of Global Warming. Students analyze a short video clip from the film The Great Global Warming Swindle, compare the information in the clip with a chart, and reflect on issues of credibility and bias in media representations and our own biases when evaluating information.


Media Literacy And Critical Thinking Integration
Constructivist Media Decoding
Critical Thinking And The News
Assessing Credibility & Bias

Science And Environment

High School

Sustainability Education and Media Literacy

Related to kit: Media Constructions of Sustainability: Food, Water, and Agriculture

This article looks at how the topic of climate change can often provoke deep emotions in students, and suggests that instead of shying away, teachers should use media literacy activities to foster discussions of what the future holds. The author stresses the importance of connecting to the emotional lives of students when raising the complex issues around sustainability.


Media Literacy And Critical Thinking Integration
Media Literacy Lesson Design
Youth Culture And New Technologies
Do No Harm
Question Design

Social Studies
Science And Environment

Upper Elementary
Middle School
High School

Teaching Media Literacy & Sustainability for Younger Learners

Related to kit: Media Constructions of Sustainability: Lower Elementary

This webinar offers pedagogical techniques and curriculum materials to support a deeper understanding of how to use media documents that: support content teaching about water quality, climate change and hunger, introduce media production as a way to deepen media literacy awareness, and encourage core subject integration of ELA, math, science and social studies.


Common Core Standards
Media Literacy And Critical Thinking Integration
Constructivist Media Decoding
Media Literacy Lesson Design
Youth Culture And New Technologies
Document Selection
Question Design
Lesson Elements
Lesson Conception

Social Studies
English Language Arts
Science And Environment
Media Production

Upper Elementary

Teaching about Climate Change Using the Tools of Media Literacy

This webinar offers pedagogical techniques and curriculum materials to support a deeper understanding for how to use a wide variety of media documents that: - Support content teaching about climate change - Examine media representations of global warming related to media literacy concepts of credibility, bias and impact - Encourage strong sense critical thinking by asking questions about all media messages, not just those with which we may disagree.


Media Literacy And Critical Thinking Integration
Constructivist Media Decoding
Critical Thinking And The News
Assessing Credibility & Bias
Document Selection
Question Design

Social Studies
Science And Environment

High School