Advertiser's Power of Persuasion - Water
Media literacy and critical thinking lesson analyzing print advertisements and public service messages about bottled water and vitamin water and writing scripts for ads or public service announcements promoting their water consumption design for a healthy body, budget and earth.
Advertiser's Power of Persuasion - Water
Advertisers Power of Persuasion - Water Lesson Plan
Advertisers Power of Persuasion - Water Teacher Guide
Advertisers Power of Persuasion - Water Student Handout
Advertisers Power of Persuasion - Water PowerPoint
Beware! The Vitamin Water Deception Video Clip
Nestle Pure Life Video Clip
Take Back the Tap Video Clip
Vitamin Water Video Clip
Hygiene H1N1 Video Clip
Supplemental Materials
This resource is part of the following contextual materials. Resources can be explored on their own but are most useful for teachers when downloaded as part of their parent content. Click on the links below to see this Resource in context:
Playlist: Elementary Critical Thinking Skill BuildingUnit: Water (lower elementary)
Kit: Media Constructions of Sustainability: Lower Elementary
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