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  • Professional Development (5)

Consumer Choices About Natural Resource Use Assessment

Media literacy and critical thinking assessment analyzing messages in a book cover and poster and writing an opinion piece on consumer choices,

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Psychology, Visual Arts, Commercial Arts/Advertising, Consumer Education, Environmental Studies, Economics, Sociology, ELA/English Language Arts

Upper Elementary
30-60 Minutes

Sox Sperry

"American Progress" Painting

Students analyze a 19th century painting for messages about progress and about personal interpretation of media messages.This simple decoding activity has been taken from a larger lesson with many slides titled “History of Endangered Species." To access this lesson, type the title with quotes into the PLS keyword search bar.

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Environmental Studies, General Media Literacy

Middle School, High School, College

Under 15 Minutes

Pdf, Pptx
Sox Sperry

"Bald Eagles: Saving Our Symbol" Webpage

Students analyze a webpage for messages about bald eagles, DDT and about purpose and funding in media messages. This simple decoding activity has been taken from a larger lesson with many slides titled “History of Endangered Species." To access this lesson, type the title with quotes into the PLS keyword search bar.

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Environmental Studies, General Media Literacy

Middle School, High School, College

Under 15 Minutes

Pdf, Pptx
Sox Sperry

"Beaver Trapping" Diagram

Students analyze an 18th century diagram for messages about beaver trapping and about target audience.This simple decoding activity has been taken from a larger lesson with many slides titled “History of Endangered Species." To access this lesson, type the title with quotes into the PLS keyword search bar.

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Environmental Studies, General Media Literacy

Middle School, High School, College

Under 15 Minutes

Pdf, Pptx
Sox Sperry

"Biodiversity and the Future of Life" Book Cover

Students analyze a book cover for messages about biodiversity and about editorial choices for book covers. This simple decoding activity has been taken from a larger lesson with many slides titled “History of Endangered Species." To access this lesson, type the title with quotes into the PLS keyword search bar.

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Environmental Studies, General Media Literacy

Middle School, High School, College

Under 15 Minutes

Illustration, Informational Text
Pdf, Pptx
Sox Sperry

"Black Death" Insecticide Advertisement

Students analyze images of a 19th century advertisement for messages about chemical insecticide and about techniques to persuade. This simple decoding activity has been taken from a larger lesson with many slides titled “History of Chemicals in the Environment." To access this lesson, type the title with quotes into the PLS keyword search bar.

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Visual Arts, Commercial Arts/Advertising, Consumer Education, Environmental Studies, Civics And Government

Middle School, High School, College

Under 15 Minutes

Illustration, Print Advertisement
Pdf, Pptx
Sox Sperry

"Buffalo Bill: Wolf Fighter" Dime Novel

Students analyze an early 20th century magazine cover for messages about human animal relations and about historical context in media message interpretation. This simple decoding activity has been taken from a larger lesson with many slides titled “History of Endangered Species." To access this lesson, type the title with quotes into the PLS keyword search bar.

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Environmental Studies, General Media Literacy

Middle School, High School, College

Under 15 Minutes

Pdf, Pptx
Sox Sperry

"Buffalo Land" Book Illustration

Students analyze a 19th century book illustration for messages about the slaughter of the buffalo and about fact and opinion in media messages. This simple decoding activity has been taken from a larger lesson with many slides titled “History of Endangered Species." To access this lesson, type the title with quotes into the PLS keyword search bar.

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Environmental Studies, General Media Literacy

Middle School, High School, College

Under 15 Minutes

Pptx, Pdf
Sox Sperry

"DDT is Good for Me" Magazine Ad

Students analyze images of a 1940s magazine ad for messages about the suggested benefits of DDT and about target audience in advertising. This simple decoding activity has been taken from a larger lesson with many slides titled “History of Chemicals in the Environment." To access this lesson, type the title with quotes into the PLS keyword search bar.

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Health, Visual Arts, Consumer Education, Environmental Studies, Global Studies

Middle School, High School, College

Under 15 Minutes

Magazine, Print Advertisement
Pdf, Pptx
Sox Sperry

"DDT: For Good or Ill?" Editorial Cartoon

Students analyze an editorial cartoon for messages about DDT, viruses and about stereotyping in political cartooning.This simple decoding activity has been taken from a larger lesson with many slides titled “History of Chemicals in the Environment." To access this lesson, type the title with quotes into the PLS keyword search bar.

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Environmental Studies, General Media Literacy

Middle School, High School, College

Under 15 Minutes

Editorial Cartoon
Pdf, Pptx
Sox Sperry

"Dead in the Water" Webpage

Students analyze a webpage for messages about fertilizers and Gulf of Mexico dead zones and about how the mission of media producers impacts the media message. This simple decoding activity has been taken from a larger lesson with many slides titled “History of Chemicals in the Environment." To access this lesson, type the title with quotes into the PLS keyword search bar.

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Environmental Studies

Middle School, High School, College

Under 15 Minutes

Pdf, Pptx
Sox Sperry

"Dying from Dioxin" Book Cover

Students analyze a book cover for messages about human and environmental impacts of toxic chemicals and about artistic techniques in book cover design.This simple decoding activity has been taken from a larger lesson with many slides titled “History of Chemicals in the Environment." To access this lesson, type the title with quotes into the PLS keyword search bar.

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Consumer Education, Environmental Studies, General Media Literacy

Middle School, High School, College

Under 15 Minutes

Illustration, Literature
Pdf, Pptx
Sox Sperry

"Ethyl Controls" Magazine Ad

Students analyze images of a 1930s magazine ad for messages about leaded gasoline and about implied values in advertising. This simple decoding activity has been taken from a larger lesson with many slides titled “History of Chemicals in the Environment." To access this lesson, type the title with quotes into the PLS keyword search bar.

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Commercial Arts/Advertising, Consumer Education, Environmental Studies

Middle School, High School, College

Under 15 Minutes

Illustration, Magazine, Print Advertisement
Pdf, Pptx
Sox Sperry

"Ethyl War" Webpage

Students analyze a webpage for messages about the history of leaded gasoline and about credibility and impact of media messages. This simple decoding activity has been taken from a larger lesson with many slides titled “History of Chemicals in the Environment." To access this lesson, type the title with quotes into the PLS keyword search bar.

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Consumer Education, Environmental Studies

Middle School, High School, College

Under 15 Minutes

Pdf, Pptx
Sox Sperry

"Greenwash" Book Cover

Students analyze a book cover for messages about corporate environmentalism, greenwashing and about designer choices to promote book sales. This simple decoding activity has been taken from a larger lesson with many slides titled “History of Chemicals in the Environment." To access this lesson, type the title with quotes into the PLS keyword search bar.

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Commercial Arts/Advertising, Consumer Education, Environmental Studies

Middle School, High School, College

Under 15 Minutes

Pdf, Pptx
Sox Sperry

"Highways of the Forest" Drawing

Students analyze a 19th century drawing for messages about wilderness transportation and about personal interpretation of media messages.This simple decoding activity has been taken from a larger lesson with many slides titled “History of Endangered Species." To access this lesson, type the title with quotes into the PLS keyword search bar.

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Environmental Studies, General Media Literacy

Middle School, High School, College

Under 15 Minutes

Pdf, Pptx
Sox Sperry

"Iceland Resumes Commercial Whaling" Webpage

Students analyze a webpage for messages about commercial whaling and about editorial decisions in webpage design. This simple decoding activity has been taken from a larger lesson with many slides titled “History of Endangered Species." To access this lesson, type the title with quotes into the PLS keyword search bar.

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Environmental Studies, General Media Literacy

Middle School, High School, College

Under 15 Minutes

Pdf, Pptx
Sox Sperry

"Indian Treaty of Greenville" Painting

Students analyze an 18th century painting for messages about U.S. occupation of Native American lands and about benefit and harm in media messages. This simple decoding activity has been taken from a larger lesson with many slides titled “History of Resource Depletion." To access this lesson, type the title with quotes into the PLS keyword search bar.

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Environmental Studies, General Media Literacy

Middle School, High School, College

Under 15 Minutes

Pdf, Pptx
Sox Sperry

"La Virgenia Pars" Map

Students analyze a 16th century map for messages about perspectives on marine life and about historical context in media messages.This simple decoding activity has been taken from a larger lesson with many slides titled “History of Endangered Species." To access this lesson, type the title with quotes into the PLS keyword search bar.

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Environmental Studies, General Media Literacy

Middle School, High School, College

Under 15 Minutes

Pptx, Pdf
Sox Sperry

"Niagara Waterfall" 1704 Engraving

Students analyze an 18th century engraving for messages about European explorers' first impressions of Niagara Falls and about target audience. This simple decoding activity has been taken from a larger lesson with many slides titled “History of Resource Depletion." To access this lesson, type the title with quotes into the PLS keyword search bar.

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Environmental Studies, General Media Literacy

Middle School, High School, College

Under 15 Minutes

Pdf, Pptx
Sox Sperry