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Women's Rights Convention Headlines

Students analyze two sets of headlines about 19th century women's rights conventions for conflicting messages about point of view and about priorities for human rights for women and African Americans. This simple decoding activity has been taken from a larger lesson with many slides titled “Hear Our Voices”. To access this lesson, type the title with quotes into the PLS keyword search bar.

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US History

High School, College

Under 15 Minutes

News - Print
Pdf, Pptx
Sox Sperry

Confronting Racism in the Women's Suffrage Movement

Students analyze a pamphlet reprinting a speech by African American educator and suffragist Mary Church Terrell for messages about African American women's rights efforts and about racism in the women's suffrage movement. This simple decoding activity has been taken from a larger lesson with many slides titled “Hear Our Voices”. To access this lesson, type the title with quotes into the PLS keyword search bar.

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US History

High School, College

Under 15 Minutes

Pdf, Pptx
Sox Sperry

Woman Suffrage in Wyoming Territory

Students analyze the front page of a newspaper for messages about Wyoming women becoming the first women to have the right to vote and about editorial choices to highlight women's suffrage. This simple decoding activity has been taken from a larger lesson with many slides titled “Hear Our Voices”. To access this lesson, type the title with quotes into the PLS keyword search bar.

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US History

High School, College

Under 15 Minutes

News - Print
Pdf, Pptx
Sox Sperry

Suffragists Rewrite the Constitution and the Bible

Students analyze an excerpt from "The Woman's Bible" and a magazine cover for messages about repurposing classic documents to further the cause of women's rights and about moral and ethical arguments for social justice. This simple decoding activity has been taken from a larger lesson with many slides titled “Hear Our Voices”. To access this lesson, type the title with quotes into the PLS keyword search bar.

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US History

High School, College

Under 15 Minutes

Informational Text, Magazine
Pdf, Pptx
Sox Sperry

Pro-suffrage Public Relation Campaigning

Students analyze a postcard, a advertisement and sheet music for messages about pro-suffrage messaging, purpose and target audience. This simple decoding activity has been taken from a larger lesson with many slides titled “Hear Our Voices”. To access this lesson, type the title with quotes into the PLS keyword search bar.

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US History

High School, College

Under 15 Minutes

Illustration, Informational Text, Music/song, Print Advertisement
Pdf, Pptx
Sox Sperry

Women's Suffrage Movement Tactics

Students analyze two front pages for messages about pro-suffrage tactics and strategic use of media as an advocacy tool. This simple decoding activity has been taken from a larger lesson with many slides titled “Hear Our Voices”. To access this lesson, type the title with quotes into the PLS keyword search bar.

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US History

High School, College

Under 15 Minutes

News - Print
Pptx, Pdf
Sox Sperry

"Women Vote in 12 States" Poster

Students analyze a poster for messages about state-by-state campaigning for women's suffrage laws and about pro-suffrage arguments to persuade male voters to vote for women's suffrage. This simple decoding activity has been taken from a larger lesson with many slides titled “Hear Our Voices”. To access this lesson, type the title with quotes into the PLS keyword search bar.

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US History

High School, College

Under 15 Minutes

Pdf, Pptx
Sox Sperry

Women Win the Vote and Use It

Students analyze a 1920 League of Women Voters poster for messages encouraging women to exercise their right to vote and about symbols of democratic values. This simple decoding activity has been taken from a larger lesson with many slides titled “Hear Our Voices”. To access this lesson, type the title with quotes into the PLS keyword search bar.

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US History

High School, College

Under 15 Minutes

Pdf, Pptx
Sox Sperry

Women Fight for Social Justice: Then and Now

Students analyze 21st century posters and a book cover for messages about the intersection of women's rights with other social movements in the 19th century and now. This simple decoding activity has been taken from a larger lesson with many slides titled “Hear Our Voices”. To access this lesson, type the title with quotes into the PLS keyword search bar.

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US History

High School, College

Under 15 Minutes

Illustration, Literature, Poster
Pdf, Pptx
Sox Sperry

1932 "The Girl I Love is a Democrat" Sheet Music

Media literacy and critical thinking activity analyzing a sheet music cover from the 1932 campaign for Franklin Roosevelt for messages about women, prohibition and target audience.

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Visual Arts, Music, US History And Government, US History, Civics And Government

High School, College
Whole Class
Under 15 Minutes

Illustration, Music/song
Sox Sperry & Chris Sperry

Anti-Suffrage Editorial Cartoon

Students analyze an anti-suffrage cartoon for messages about point of view and pro-suffrage tactics. This simple decoding activity has been taken from a larger lesson with many slides titled “Hear Our Voices”. To access this lesson, type the title with quotes into the PLS keyword search bar.

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US History

High School, College

Under 15 Minutes

Editorial Cartoon
Pdf, Pptx
Sox Sperry

Anti-Suffrage Media Forms and Arguments

Students analyze a poster, an editorial card and a stereo card for messages about media forms used to further anti-suffrage arguments. This simple decoding activity has been taken from a larger lesson with many slides titled “Hear Our Voices”. To access this lesson, type the title with quotes into the PLS keyword search bar.

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US History

High School, College

Under 15 Minutes

Editorial Cartoon
Pdf, Pptx
Sox Sperry

Feminist Stereotyping in Comic Books

Students analyze a comic book cover for messages about young feminists' gender identity and about stereotypes. This simple decoding activity has been taken from a larger lesson with many slides titled “Claiming Feminist Identities." To access this lesson, type the title with quotes into the PLS keyword search bar.

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US History

High School, College

Under 15 Minutes

Pdf, Pptx
Sox Sperry