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Your Search Results (73)

  • Lessons (73)
  • Professional Development (0)

We Will Be Heard

Media literacy and critical thinking lesson using excerpts from songs about women's suffrage to analyze the use of stereotyping in songwriting.

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Music, US History And Government, US History, Civics And Government, Sociology

Middle School, High School, College
Pair, Whole Class
30-60 Minutes

Pdf, Mp4
Sox Sperry

Women’s Suffrage: Why the Women’s Vote Was Important Then and Is Now

In this media literacy activity students analyze primary and secondary texts from the 19th to the 21st century for messages about the arguments in favor of women voting.

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US History And Government, US History, Civics And Government, Sociology, Library/Information Literacy, ELA/English Language Arts

High School, College
Whole Class
30-60 Minutes

Editorial Opinion, Illustration, Informational Text, Literature, Magazine, Speech
Sox Sperry

Working for Peace, Working for Justice

Media literacy and critical thinking lesson using diverse media imagery to teach about the interconnections between U.S. peace and social justice movements by examining the lives of five peacemakers.

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Visual Arts, Commercial Arts/Advertising, Journalism, US History And Government, US History, Civics And Government, Sociology

Middle School, High School, College
Whole Class
30-60 Minutes

Illustration, Informational Text, News - Print, Photograph, Poster, Webpage
Ppt, Pdf
Sox Sperry

World War One Through Posters

Media literacy and critical thinking lesson analyzing messages about economics in World War One posters.

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Health, Psychology, Visual Arts, Commercial Arts/Advertising, US History And Government, US History, Civics And Government, Global Studies, Economics

Middle School, High School, College
Whole Class
30-60 Minutes

Pdf, Ppt
Chris Sperry & Cyndy Kramer

Beautiful Women: Body Image Affirmation

Students analyze a poster for messages about body image and identities and about purpose and sponsorship of media creation. This simple decoding activity has been taken from a larger lesson with many slides titled “Claiming Feminist Identities." To access this lesson, type the title with quotes into the PLS keyword search bar.

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US History

High School, College

Under 15 Minutes

Pdf, Pptx
Sox Sperry

Violence Against Women: Who Can Stop it?

Students analyze a magazine cover and a poster for messages about who can stop violence against women and about discerning what's true in media documents. This simple decoding activity has been taken from a larger lesson with many slides titled “Claiming Feminist Identities." To access this lesson, type the title with quotes into the PLS keyword search bar.

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US History

High School, College

Under 15 Minutes

Literature, Poster
Pdf, Pptx
Sox Sperry

"But Some of Us Are Brave" Black Women's Studies

Students analyze a book cover for messages about African American women's history and about the independent women's press. This simple decoding activity has been taken from a larger lesson with many slides titled “Claiming Feminist Identities." To access this lesson, type the title with quotes into the PLS keyword search bar.

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US History

High School, College

Under 15 Minutes

Pdf, Pptx
Sox Sperry

“You’re Liberated" Ad

Students analyze a 1972 magazine advertisement for messages about using feminist tropes to sell products and about the effects of advertising. This simple decoding activity has been taken from a larger lesson with many slides titled “Claiming Feminist Identities." To access this lesson, type the title with quotes into the PLS keyword search bar.

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US History

High School, College

Under 15 Minutes

Magazine, Print Advertisement
Pdf, Pptx
Sox Sperry

Feminist Writers: Kate Millett & Germaine Greer

Students analyze magazine covers for messages about popular culture representations of feminism and about who pays for and produces media messages. This simple decoding activity has been taken from a larger lesson with many slides titled “Claiming Feminist Identities." To access this lesson, type the title with quotes into the PLS keyword search bar.

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US History

High School, College

Under 15 Minutes

Pdf, Pptx
Sox Sperry

“Show Her It’s A Man’s World” Magazine Ad

Students analyze a 1951 magazine advertisement for messages about women's identities after World War Two and about target audience. This simple decoding activity has been taken from a larger lesson with many slides titled “Claiming Feminist Identities." To access this lesson, type the title with quotes into the PLS keyword search bar.

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US History

High School, College

Under 15 Minutes

Magazine, Print Advertisement
Pdf, Pptx
Sox Sperry

Women Work on the Home Front in World War Two

Students analyze a 1943 lithograph for messages about women's identities during World War Two and about historical context. This simple decoding activity has been taken from a larger lesson with many slides titled “Claiming Feminist Identities." To access this lesson, type the title with quotes into the PLS keyword search bar.

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US History

High School, College

Under 15 Minutes

Pdf, Pptx
Sox Sperry

Women in Prison Poster

Students analyze a poster for messages about women in prison and about graphic decisions in poster design. This simple decoding activity has been taken from a larger lesson with many slides titled “Prisons - Justice or Injustice?." To access this lesson, type the title with quotes into the PLS keyword search bar.

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US History

High School, College

Under 15 Minutes

Pdf, Pptx
Sox Sperry

Colonize This! Young Women of Color on Today’s Feminism

Students analyze a book cover for messages about women of color and identities and about media representationms of young women of color. This simple decoding activity has been taken from a larger lesson with many slides titled “Claiming Feminist Identities." To access this lesson, type the title with quotes into the PLS keyword search bar.

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US History

High School, College

Under 15 Minutes

Pdf, Pptx
Sox Sperry

Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire

Students analyze a front page about the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire for messages about unsafe working conditions and about the economics and purpose of media newspaper headlines. This simple decoding activity has been taken from a larger lesson with many slides titled “Which Side Are You On?” To access this lesson, type the title with quotes into the PLS keyword search bar.

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US History

High School, College

Under 15 Minutes

News - Print
Pdf, Pptx
Sox Sperry

Union Labels

Students analyze labor union labels for messages about labor union membership and about social justice organization logos. This simple decoding activity has been taken from a larger lesson with many slides titled “Which Side Are You On?” To access this lesson, type the title with quotes into the PLS keyword search bar.

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US History

High School, College

Under 15 Minutes

Pdf, Pptx
Sox Sperry

The First Women's Rights Convention

Students analyze a National Parks Service webpage on the first women's rights convention for messages about the interconnections between 19th century social justice campaigns and about authorship and purpose. This simple decoding activity has been taken from a larger lesson with many slides titled “Hear Our Voices”. To access this lesson, type the title with quotes into the PLS keyword search bar.

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US History

High School, College

Under 15 Minutes

Pptx, Pdf
Sox Sperry

Declaration of Sentiments

Students analyze text from the founding document of the first women's rights convention for messages about the interrelationship between between the early women's rights movement and the Declaration of Independence and about personal reflections on human rights. This simple decoding activity has been taken from a larger lesson with many slides titled “Hear Our Voices”. To access this lesson, type the title with quotes into the PLS keyword search bar.

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US History

High School, College

Under 15 Minutes

Print Advertisement
Pdf, Pptx
Sox Sperry

Sojourner Truth

Students analyze the front page of an 1860 newspaper for messages about women's leadership in the early labor movement and about journalism techniques to spark reader interest. This simple decoding activity has been taken from a larger lesson with many slides titled “Hear Our Voices”. To access this lesson, type the title with quotes into the PLS keyword search bar.

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US History

High School, College

Under 15 Minutes

Pptx, Pdf
Sox Sperry

The Shoemakers Strike in Lynn

Students analyze the front page of an 1860 newspaper for messages about women's leadership in the early labor movement and about journalism techniques to spark reader interest. This simple decoding activity has been taken from a larger lesson with many slides titled “Hear Our Voices”. To access this lesson, type the title with quotes into the PLS keyword search bar.

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US History

High School, College

Under 15 Minutes

News - Print
Pdf, Pptx
Sox Sperry

Elizabeth Cady Staton & Susan B. Anthony: Women's Revolution

Students analyze the front page of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B Anthony's newspaper, The Revolution, for messages about purposes of media production and about historical context. This simple decoding activity has been taken from a larger lesson with many slides titled “Hear Our Voices”. To access this lesson, type the title with quotes into the PLS keyword search bar.

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US History

High School, College

Under 15 Minutes

News - Print
Pdf, Pptx
Sox Sperry