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Your Search Results (385)

  • Lessons (378)
  • Professional Development (7)

1936 "Makers of History" Cartoon

Media literacy and critical thinking activity analyzing a political cartoon from the 1936 campaign for messages about Franklin Roosevelt and the New Deal.

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High School, College

Under 15 Minutes

Editorial Cartoon, Editorial Opinion
Subject Areas
Visual Arts, Journalism, US History And Government, US History, Civics And Government

1972 "Landslide" Cartoon

Media literacy and critical thinking activity analyzing a political cartoon from the 1972 Nixon campaign for messages about media bias and political scandal.

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High School, College

Under 15 Minutes

Editorial Cartoon, Editorial Opinion
Subject Areas
Visual Arts, Journalism, US History And Government, US History, Civics And Government, Sociology

2004 Doonesbury & Boondocks Comic Strips

Media literacy and critical thinking lesson analyzing Doonesbury & Boondocks comic strips from the 2004 campaign about Bush and Kerry for messages about issues, candidate imagery and satire.

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High School, College

30-60 Minutes

Editorial Cartoon, Editorial Opinion
Subject Areas
Visual Arts, Journalism, US History And Government, US History, Civics And Government, ELA/English Language Arts

2008 Hillary Clinton & Sarah Palin in Cartoons & Posters

Media literacy and critical thinking lesson decoding editorial cartoons and a poster about Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin for messages about sexism and satire.

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High School, College

15-30 Minutes

Editorial Cartoon, Poster
Subject Areas
Visual Arts, Journalism, US History And Government, US History, Civics And Government, Sociology

2000 Comic Strips

Media literacy and critical thinking lesson analyzing Doonesbury & Boondocks comic strips from the 2000 campaign about Bush and Gore for messages about issues, candidate imagery and satire.

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High School, College

30-60 Minutes

Editorial Cartoon
Subject Areas
Visual Arts, Journalism, US History And Government, US History, Civics And Government, Sociology