
Supplemental Resources<\/h2><\/div>

Newspaper, MLK & The Montgomery Story <\/h4>\n Library of Congress: Newspaper front page from Montgomery, AL about the bus boycott <\/a>\n <\/div>

Exhibit, El Boicot <\/h4>\n Library of Congress: Exhibit on Rosa Parks' arrest <\/a>\n <\/div>

Collection, SCLC <\/h4>\n Library of Congress: Survey of Collections on the Southern Christian Leadership Conference in the Civil Rights History Project archives<\/a>\n <\/div>

Web, Book Covers <\/h4>\n National Park Service: Quotations engraved on the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial <\/a>\n <\/div>

Video, My Trip to the Land of Gandhi <\/h4>\n Department of State: Remarks by Sec. of State Clinton on The 50th Anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.'s Trip to India<\/a>\n <\/div>

Exhibit, Letter From Birmingham Jail <\/h4>\n Library of Congress: Exhibit on there letter from a Birmingham jail<\/a>\n <\/div>

Exhibit, A Dream <\/h4>\n Library of Congress: Exhibit with official program for the March on Washington <\/a>\n <\/div>