Kit Documents
Media Constructions of the Environment: Endangered Species
High School through College - this kit covers a historical overview of American representations of endangered species from the slaughter of the American buffalo to Palm plantations in Sumatra. It compares conflicting constructions about human/animal relations, rainforest biodiversity, the Northern Rockies' gray wolf, frogs and Atrazine. Students decode how the relationship of animals and humans has been portrayed and passed on from generation to generation. 1
All materials are free and classroom-ready, including: overviews, teacher guides, handouts, assessments, and all digital media.
- To purchase a flash drive with all print material and digital files, please contact 607-274-3471.
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History of Endangered Species
Human/Animal Relations
Case Study -- Human/Animal Relations (Video) Lesson Plan
Case Study -- Human/Animal Relations (Video) Teacher Guide
Case Study -- Human/Animal Relations (Video) Student Worksheet
Earth and the American Dream Video Clip
Saving Species Video Clip
Keeping the Earth: Perspectives Video Clip
Supplemental Resources
Northern Rockies Gray Wolf
Rainforest Biodiversity
Case Study -- Rainforest Biodiversity (Video) Lesson Plan
Case Study -- Rainforest Biodiversity (Video) Teacher Guide
Case Study -- Rainforest Biodiversity (Video) Student Workshet
Orangutan Video Clip
Malaysian Palm Oil Council Video Clip
Coming Soon: Orangutan Extinction Video Clip
Living Together Video Clip
Supplemental Resources
Frogs and Atrazine