Economics in U.S. History: A Media Literacy Kit
Middle School - this kit is designed to integrate basic economic concepts with media literacy and critical thinking skills into U.S. history through decoding of print and audiovisual media materials. Media materials include posters, popular and documentary films, news articles, editorials, and excerpts from TV shows. Each lesson includes a student reading and worksheet, with core content and vocabulary tied to the NCSS and NCTE learning standards.
All materials are free and classroom-ready, including: overviews, teacher guides, handouts, assessments, and all digital media.
- To purchase a flash drive with all print material and digital files, please contact 607-274-3471.
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Introduction to Capitalism
The Value of Trees
Imperialism and the Panama Canal
World War One Through Posters
Perspectives on Labor and Management
Living Wage
Health Care and Wal-Mart