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Media Constructions of the Environment: Chemicals in the Environment

High School through College - this kit is a historical overview of American representations of chemicals from the three sisters to the Love Canal. It compares conflicting constructions about nuclear reactor safety, depleted uranium, Rachel Carson and DDT. Through analyzing diverse historic and contemporary media messages, students understand changing public knowledge, impressions and attitudes about chemicals in the environment.
All materials are free and classroom-ready, including: overviews, teacher guides, handouts, assessments, and all digital media.
  • To purchase a flash drive with all print material and digital files, please contact 607-274-3471.
Be sure to read the kit introductory material located in the top left column.
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History of Chemicals in the Environment
Rachel Carson (Video Clips Lesson)
Rachel Carson (Print Documents Lesson)
Nuclear Reactor Safety
Depleted Uranium

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