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Tag: Media Literacy in the News

Chris Sperry Publishes in EL Magazine “Teaching Media Literacy in an INFODEMIC”

How to Combat Misinformation in the Classroom Fake news. Deepfakes. Social media bubbles. It can be hard to know what to believe these days, especially for students. In the November 2024 issue of ASCD’s Educational Leadership, Chris Sperry shares strategies for empowering students to think critically about media messages and become informed, engaged citizens. Sperry, co-director of Project Look Sharp,...

Albany Times Union Endorses Media Literacy in Core Requirements

The article emphasizes the need to prioritize media literacy education in New York schools to help students navigate a digital world dominated by social media, AI, and misinformation. It advocates for integrating media literacy into curricula, making it a graduation requirement, and employing certified specialists to guide students. The piece highlights how critical thinking skills in media analysis are essential...

Standards Alignment: National Media Literacy Alliance Joint Statement on Media Literacy Education

A 3-page document from the National Media Literacy Alliance briefly summarizes the alignment of media literacy with the core standards in foe each of the following disciplines: library (AASL + YALSA), technology (ISTE), Journalism (JEA), Early Childhood (NAEYC), Social Studies (NCSS), ELA (NCTE), Math (NCTM), Science (NSTA), and Writing (NWP). You can read the document at  

Project Look Sharp’s Chris Sperry and Student Advocates Promote Media Literacy Legislation

In March 2022, Project Look Sharp’s Staff Director of Curriculum and Staff Development, Chris Sperry, participated in a virtual meeting sponsored by DemocracyReady NY and the New York Library Association alongside high school students from across New York State to promote the importance of media literacy education in school curriculums. Joining the meeting were State Assemblymember Linda Rosenthal and State...

Project Look Sharp Staff Appears on Podcast from Future Ready Schools

Recently, Project Look Sharp’s Director of Curriculum and Staff Development, Chris Sperry, and ML3 Project Coordinator, Susan Allen, appeared on the “Leading from the Library” podcast series affiliated with Future Ready Schools and All4Ed, a national nonprofit that helps to expand equitable educational opportunities for marginalized groups. Chris, Susan, and host Shannon McClintock Miller discuss the importance of incorporating media...

New Article from Ithaca College’s Student Newspaper on Project Look Sharp’s ML3 Initiative

The Ithacan, Ithaca College’s student newspaper, recently covered Project Look Sharp’s new initiative, New York State Library Leaders for Media Literacy (ML3). The ML3 initiative is providing training for 20 K-12 librarians across New York State to be the catalysts to incorporating media literacy into their school’s curriculum. The article outlines the initiative, but also provides perspective from participating librarians on why...

Standards Alignment: National Media Literacy Alliance Joint Statement on Media Literacy Education Available to Read and Implement!

This 3-page document briefly summarizes the alignment of media literacy with the core standards for each of the following disciplines: library (AASL + YALSA), technology (ISTE), Journalism (JEA), Early Childhood (NAEYC), Social Studies (NCSS), ELA (NCTE), Math (NCTM), Science (NSTA), and Writing (NWP). Find it at

Project Look Sharp Featured in Article on Media Literacy From FAIR

Olivia Riggio of Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR) has written an article entitled “Not All Media Literacy Programs Are Created Equal-and Most Have Yet to be Created” which spotlights the impact that independent media literacy materials can have on students in this age of disinformation. Project Look Sharp and its approach of question-based media analysis is featured prominently. As Project Look...

Project Look Sharp Featured in Article from Ithaca College News

Ithaca College News has written an article on Project Look Sharp entitled “A Global Impact” that discusses our two most recent grants, including one from the U.S. State Department to train English Language instructors in Panama on teaching media literacy through constructivist media decoding. Quotes from Executive/Director Cyndy Scheibe and Director of Curriculum Chris Sperry on Project Look Sharp’s recent...

New Report from Democracy Ready NY Promoting Media Literacy Education in NY State

We wanted to share some exciting news about the release of a vital new report from Democracy Ready NY entitled “Developing Digital Citizens: Media Literacy Education for All Students.” The report represents the strongest advocacy for media literacy in New York State to date. The report asserts that New York has been remiss in failing to equip schools to help students meet existing media...