Please turn to Chapter 2 in the in The Teacher's Guide to Media Literacy. Find the last word in the chapter (on page 34 if you are using a print copy of the book), and type it in the text box to access this companion website.
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Selected Reviews:
"Not only does this book provide a thorough and engaging backdrop for understanding media literacy; it also provides practical applications for the classroom. Filled with thoughtful tips and concrete examples, this is a book that teachers can use right off the shelf. I will definitely provide copies for my faculty and administrators." (Michelle Saylor, Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Staff Development, Wilson School District, West Lawn, PA).
"Scheibe and Rogow's book arrives at a moment when technology and educational thinking have finally converged. It combines important theoretical concepts with practical lesson plans applying media literacy across the curriculum and should be read by everyone interested in improving public our schools." (Milton Chen, Senior Fellow & Executive Director, Emeritus, The George Lucas Educational Foundation, San Rafael, CA)
"Scheibe and Rogow have developed an innovative approach to help teachers master the secrets of inquiry learning for media literacy education. They demonstrate how to support students' deep reading with a variety of print and non-print texts. Educators using these techniques will see dramatic improvements in the quality of student critical thinking skills." (Renee Hobbs, Founding Director,
Harrington School of Communication and Media, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI)
"A comprehensive overview of media literacy, from core principles to best practices. Scheibe and Rogow have done a masterful job articulating the multiple theories and aspects that constitute the media literacy field, further expanded the vocabulary, concepts, and approaches, and honed them to brilliant sharpness. This book should be USED by teachers everywhere." (Elizabeth Thoman, Founder, Center for Media Literacy, Los Angeles, CA)